The right way to share Image Files in Google Drive

Most of us share our Google media and docs, to enable others to have our resources with them just by clicking on the shared link. But have you ever cared about the preview (in the case of the image file) the user has when they open your link? Let's understand through an example.

Let's get started by sharing an image file

I am sharing an Image from my Google Drive. <sharing-file>

Ok, Let's make it publically accessible. <providing-access>


Now, let's test the shared link

This is the link that I got, πŸ‘‡ Clicking on this link you will open a new window where we will have our shared image.

Let's see how it looks like

Alright, we have our shared image πŸ€” but......... do you like the way it displays?

If you are really a good observer then-No should be your answer because of two reasons.

  • <normal-reason>
by default your image is previewed under Google Drive when you clicked on the link, hence Google added all these messes marked in the above πŸ‘† image, just to highlight that image being served by Google Drive.
  • <technical-reason>
what if you want to use this link in the <img> πŸ‘‡ (image) tag of your HTML page. Will it work?

Oops! No πŸ‘‡ 

  • The reason is very much clear as the shareable link will only preview the shared content in Google Drive Only.

But we have a great solution for this problem this is for what I have created this post πŸ˜‡.

There is nothing special we have to do, there is a very simple solution for the same and this will work surely.

  • All we have to do is just to handle the shared link in a better way

  • Every Google shared image link must have the above πŸ‘†  properties, we have to focus upon
    • Unique ID: we can say that it is the random + unique value assigned to each image.
    • Mode (of presenting image): How the image should be displayed to the user, by default it is a view 

  • The rule we need to follow is very simple πŸ‘‡

  • Just we need to provide the valid id to the above URL.
  • Here is the difference between the outcomes... Old Link VS New Link

Now, let's test the New link that we have with us

After doing the above changes in the link, we will have πŸ‘‡ our new link 

  • Now when we click on the link we do not make the request to preview the image in Google Drive but in our browser.

  • Check the URL in the browser it will prove that the request is not sent to Google Drive but somewhere, where your image actually lies.

  • Now let's check in my end  == developer end 🧐 too. πŸ‘‡

Hurray!πŸŽ‰ it works πŸ‘‡

Note: It may happens that provided link will expire after some time. Mobile users should prefer incognito mode to open the given links.


At last, we got what we wanted, using images in preview mode (as in Google Drive) proves to be the worst, hence now you can handle them in a comfortable way. 

In the same way, we can handle multiple other types of files too. Hope you got my point if not, leave your doubt in the comment box, thanks for reading till the end, and I will see you in the next post.

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